FM-radio transmission is perfect when you want the flexibility of your message to transmit through walls, allowing your audience to leave the room and yet not miss a single word.
The WS-T45 is a cutting-edge table-top audio transmitter, yet offers easy-to-manage navigation--simply select among voice, music, or hearing assistance in the application preset menu, and this transmitter quickly configures itself. Its technology takes the guesswork out of complex audio installation.
More info:
- Large-area, portable FM table-top (base-station) transmitter
- OLED high-resolution screen display
- 3 powerful microprocessors
- DSP audio processing
- High-quality audio and RF performance
- Operates in the 72-76 MHz band
- antenna included
- power supply included
- audio cable included
- Broadcast Range: 3-1000 feet (1-305 meters) from the listening audience
- 3.5 mm microphone jack (Microphone sold separately)
- Aux jack
- Meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility requirements
Ideal for listening assistance for large venues where superior coverage is essential, such as:
lecture halls,
- medium-to-large-sized churches,
- employee training,
- noisy environments,
- conventions,
- business meetings,
- international convocations, and
- more.
Can be used to wirelessly transmit:
- simultaneous translation
- single-language communication
- music program
- audio service
Working in a high-security environment?
We also have infrared transmitters available for rent.